CELAG's Patrimony

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Welcome to the Virtual Helicopter Museum !

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Photo SikoCELAG currently owns 17 full-scale helicopters dating from 1948 to 1976 (first flight date).
These helicopters, even restored in the least details, can't fly : they are rebuilt with spare parts coming from many machines, very often crashed and seriously damaged. It is only thanks to the patience of the restorers that they can recover a beautiful appearance

These machines, even if some become functional again, are intended for static shows only.

Helicopters in working order :

a SE-3130 Alouette II which works, but can't fly, due to a lack of funds in the changing of the main structure, out of potential.

Fully restored :

a SA-319 Alouette III in the markings of the French Military Police ("Gendarmerie Nationale") (with its agreement),
a SE-3130 Alouette II showed in sanitary evacuation configuration,
a Sikorsky H-34 "Mammouth", restored in the markings of the HSS-1 of the French Navy.

Under restoration :

a wheeled SE-3130 Alouette II in the markings of the French Navy,
a SA-316 Alouette III intended for young people, which will be showed in the markings of the French Rescue ("Sécurité Civile")
a SO-1221 Djinn first pre-production machine of the two-seater version

Waiting, at various states :

a Mil Mi-1 Hare only specimen in France property of the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace of Le Bourget (France near Paris) that confided it to the CELAG for restoration
a Sikorsky H-19 "Eléphant Joyeux" one of the 4 remaining of this kind preserved in France,
a Piasecki H-21 "Banane volante" converted into a video projection room (in reversible way, of course)
the internal setting up prototype of the SA-341 Gazelle,
2 wreck of SE-3130 Alouette II and one of SA-319 Alouette III
a Aérospatiale SA-360C Dauphin comming from the Conservatoire du Patrimoine Aéronautique Istréen
a Déchaux Hélicop-jet, french prototype of reaction helicopter
a SA-316 Alouette III which would be, apparently, the preseries n°01 machine in the marking of ALAT (French Army)
a forward section of SA-330 Puma

For further informations : a fast preview of our collection in photos and for specialists identification cards of our machines.


PhotoIn addition to its helicopters, CELAG has a certain number of engines: some are in exhibition, others are waiting for their frame and for a complete restoration and finally others are lent to aeronautical formation centers or to other associations.

Engines in exhibition :

the 9 star cylinders Wright R-1820 Cyclone of Sikorsky H-34 and Piaseky H-21
the turbine Turbomeca Turmo III C4 of SA-330 Puma and SA-321 Super Frelon
the turbojet Turbomeca Marboré II of Fouga Magister

Engines waiting for restoration :

the 9 star cylinders Pratt & Whitney R-985 Wasp Junior of Max Holste MH-1521 Broussard
the 6 flat cylinders Potez 6D-00 of Morane Saulnier MS-733 Alcyon

Engines in loan :

the 18 star cylinders Bristol Hercules 739 of Nord 2501 Noratlas
the 6 flat cylinders Lycoming O-470
the turbojet Rolls Royce Nene
the turbojet Allison J47
the turbojet Atar 101

Hidden treasures


In addition to its helicopters, CELAG has a real treasure in relation to the other domains of aeronautic, such as flight simulators dating from 1949. More over, the CELAG owns a sizeable technical documentation, made up from old hanbooks. These documents, some of which are very old, are essential to do the restoration of the helicopters in good conditions.

CELAG also owns some historical parts such as the remains of the H-34, crashed on the Mont-Blanc during the attempt to rescue the alpinists Vincendon and Henry, on December 31st 1956.

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