
Home | Patrimony | Rotorcrafts | Engines | Treasures | Helicopter restoration

In addition to its helicopters, the CELAG has a real treasure in relation to the other domains of aeronautic, such as flight simulators dating from 1949, or some historical parts such as the remains of the H-34, crashed on the Mont-Blanc during the attempt of rescue of the alpinists Vincendon and Henry, on December 31st 1956.

Link Trainer
Rotor SO-1220 Djinn
 Link Trainer AT 12 
 SO-1220 Rotor 

BTP du H-34
 Tragedy of Vincendon and Henry 

More over, the CELAG owns a sizeable technical documentation, made up of period manuals. These documents, some of wich are very old, are essential to be able to restore the helicopters in good conditions.

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