Turbomeca Turmo III

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History and specifications

Conceived in 1959, this turboshaft is first to use the principle of free-turbine.

Standard specifications
1st producted 1963
Weight 225 kg to 300 kg
Speed 32200-32600 tr/mn
Power 1340 CV

Ancien logo Turbomeca
SA-321 Super Frelon

Super-Frelon of Marine Nationale
Photo CELAG - M. FELIX 1996

SA-330 Puma

Puma of ALAT in desert colour sheme
Photo GMC - T.PAPOZ 1997

CELAG's specimen

CELAG has one Turmo III C4 engine which was used on SA-330 Puma. It is showed sectionned to make it possible to simplify the explanations of turboshaft engines working. This sectional view was done by the school of Air Force mechanicals of Rochefort (France) at the beginning of the years Eighties. It makes it possible to visualize the various constituent elements of a turbine.
Turboméca Turmo III C4


Versions and Use

Turbomeca turbomotors "Turmo" products is currently replaced by the "Makila" products which power varies between1590 cv and 1660 cv uninterrupted.

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