CELAG's Aircrafts
reaction helicopters : a French specialty

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The only one in the world produced in series

SNCASO SO-1221 "Djinn"

PhotoCELAG exposes the SO-1221PS s/n FC1, first of the 11 pre-production aircraft delivered to the ALAT. This one shows a very specific anatomy with regards to the standards ones (cockpit, dashboard). This aircraft, which will be restored with standard parts, belonged to the Experimental Group of the ALAT from January 1956.

Bought by Restoration activity members in 1997, it unfortunately misses the majority of its components : turbine, tank, rotor, blades... It is very regrettable because it is the first prototype of this type (two-seater version), it has been transformed later into preproduction aircraft, and consequently equipped with materials different from the standard version. Its restoration, with standard equipments, will be start as soon as the known as these elements can be acquired.

Our Djinn in photos
SO-1221 - history and technique

Interesting but never produced

Déchaux Hélicop-Jet

PhotoCELAG exposes prototype n ° 2 of Déchaux Hélicop-Jet.
This prototype arrived at the CELAG on July 25, 2001, after a long period of immobilization at Ferté-Alais ( 91 ), where it had been stored by 1985 in the end of tests.

It is in excellent state, and almost complete. Its state of conservation place it first and foremost the other current restorations or in wait, it will receive quickly a severe cleaning and a new painting, the whole in the respect for the current configuration.

Our Helicop-Jet in photos
Hélicop-Jet - history and technique
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